Sunday, November 18, 2012

Evangelical Catholic Church Wades Into 'No Confirmation' Battle (2)

Just a short update on the original posting of this story yesterday.....the Vicar General of the RC Diocese of Crookston, one Monsignor David Baumgartner, JCL, took it upon himself to make contact with Bishop James Wilkowski of the Evangelical Catholic Church.

One would think that the conversation would be somewhat moderate, friendly and indeed productive, but alas no....the Monsignor was not in happy mode and he sure was gonna let the Bishop know about it in no uncertain terms!!

He began by ticking the Bishop off for poking his nose into business that is not his to be concerned with (this is in relation to the Diocese refusing a young man the sacrament of confirmation and that is explained here further) and went further by saying (and we quote) "all your kind wishes to do is to confuse the catholic faithful." (unquote)

To further vent his frustration and anger at the perceived interference and slight, he further stated that 
"thanks to your kind, the good name of the Diocese of Crookston is being damaged." (unquote)
 Now, I would suggest the following to the 'good' Monsignor in an easy to read and understand fashion:

1. Stop and think before making such telephone calls;
2. Consider reaching for a copy of Dominus Iesus and read it very very carefully before shooting off about 'your kind' and 'confuse the catholic faithful';
3. As for the reputation of the Diocese of Crookston being damaged, well the local pastor began that particular cycle so take it up with him and then perhaps Bishop Hoeppner, D.D.;
4. Consider very carefully the possibility of seeking the forgiveness of the young man who your pastor seemed to be somewhat cyber-stalking (rather unsettling wouldn't you think - if thinking is within your capabilities) and again be prepared to admit collectively in the Diocese that you got it wrong - AGAIN. 
Failing all of that, then consider your position and indeed that of the Diocese before you yourselves cause further damage to your own Diocese.

And stop blaming everyone else for your own mess-up.....!!!